Category: mental illness

  • Coping Skills are Fundamental

    A small reason why I write is therapy. Not that I intended to do that, at least not at first. For a while in the middle, and even occasionally today, it can help me process some of my own difficult feelings. But the reality is writing can only do so much. At the end of…

  • 3 AM

    Three AM and I are unfortunate friends. For as long as I can remember, I’ve struggled to sleep well. Even as a baby sleep eluded me, and it’s only gotten easier as I’ve gotten older. Three AM is said to be the time of artists and dreamers, but with it comes a few demons as well. I’m never up at three AM because I want to be, after…

  • Mental Illness and Me, part 2

    Over the last twenty years I’ve been diagnosed with most everything under the sun at some point. For most of that time the only thing doctors could agree on was that I’m bipolar. I mean, it’s kind of obvious when the first antidepressant I tried right off the bat made me manic for a month.…

  • Schedules and How They Work for Me

    9:00 am: Wake up, make coffee for breakfast   9:05 am-10:00 am: Pet Skye, put Skye down, try to get words done, rinse repeat  10:01-10:20: write  10:21-11: pet and wrangle Beerus (much like Skye)  11:00 am-1:00 pm: words   Lunch  Afternoon reading or school stuff or time for other projects  Dinner  Television (currently Star Trek Deep Space 9)  School maybe, other projects maybe  More words  …

  • Mental Illness and Me, part 1

    I’m bipolar. With that comes both therapy and medication. Therapy helps sort out my headspace and keeps tabs on where I am at any given moment, but medication is what really helps. Therapy is good for coping skills, for sounding off when frustrated, for validation and a kick in the pants when I’m being my…