Category: mental health

  • We Have to Talk about Neil Gaiman

    I have pulled back a lot from writing recently for personal reasons, which is why I’ve been mostly quiet on here and on social media. But something happened in the literary world, and I have to address it.  Neil Gaiman was never one of my heroes. The works of his I read were okay but…

  • Getting Over the Holidays

    Every holiday season is the same. I start out okay, then slowly slide into a depressive spiral as I’m hit with reminders of the past; most of my traumaversaries are in the holiday season, after all, especially around Christmas. Every year, on medication or raw dogging reality I find that all I can really do…

  • Hope

    I’ve been avoiding talking about politics on my platform because it’s still so small, and I’m still so new, but it can’t be dodged forever. I’m a mixed-race, bisexual, disabled transman. My existence shouldn’t be controversial but it is. It always has been. I’m old enough to remember being called Oriental as a slur. My…

  • TW: Grief

    TW/CW I talk about the death of my partner in this.  I’ve mentioned a few times on social media that I’m going through a nasty divorce. My soon-to-be ex-husband wasn’t a good man, and I got tired of how he was treating me. I spent a couple of months formulating an escape plan when a…

  • Champion of the Dead is Off to Beta Readers and More

    Champion of the Dead is off to beta readers! Huzzah! This is my third round trying to come up with a satisfying sequel. It wasn’t that it was harder than the first, or that the other attempts weren’t good, it was that, well, there was a lot to sort out after the end of Savior…

  • Midnight Musings

    Executive dysfunction is kicking my ass. That and life are really giving it to me. There’s just been so much going on that I haven’t had a chance to catch my breath, and getting any of it done has been a Sisyphean task. It’s been six years now since my life got upended, longer really…

  • New Essay Published!

    September was Suicide Prevention Month, and this piece is important enough to warrant being late. The one on suicide prevention is the story of my two attempts in a nutshell. I shared this story because it’s integral to who I am and because I know there are people out there struggling like I was. Maybe…

  • Savior of the Damned is Available for Preorder!

    It’s been a trial to get here, but I’m over the moon I finally made it. Two years of writing, revisions, editing, and beta reading have all paid off. It was not my first book ever written, but it was the first one I managed to get into publishing shape. I learned so much along…

  • Happy Bi Visibility Day!

    Happy bisexual visibility day! Part of my journey as a writer has been figuring out where my sexuality fits into the grand scheme of things. I don’t mean who I date or anything like that, but how honest did I want to be? Did I want to sit on it, considering the current climate of…

  • Diverse Narratives

    I am Filipino. I am a part of the Filipino-American diaspora, and more importantly, I’m proud to be a part of it. Biologically I’m mixed race (Filipino/white) but I identify as Filipino because blood quantum is a tool of colonialism. Blood quantum says nothing about the people I was raised around, the culture I am…