I’ve been avoiding talking about politics on my platform because it’s still so small, and I’m still so new, but it can’t be dodged forever. I’m a mixed-race, bisexual, disabled transman. My existence shouldn’t be controversial but it is. It always has been. I’m old enough to remember being called Oriental as a slur. My…
TW: Grief
TW/CW I talk about the death of my partner in this. I’ve mentioned a few times on social media that I’m going through a nasty divorce. My soon-to-be ex-husband wasn’t a good man, and I got tired of how he was treating me. I spent a couple of months formulating an escape plan when a…
New Essay Published!
September was Suicide Prevention Month, and this piece is important enough to warrant being late. The one on suicide prevention is the story of my two attempts in a nutshell. I shared this story because it’s integral to who I am and because I know there are people out there struggling like I was. Maybe…