Tag: self care

  • Switching Gears

    Sometimes it’s not that you burned out on writing. Sometimes it’s that you burned out on writing a specific project. I know I’ve been there before, and I’m there right now. I powered through most of three novels, a novella, and outlines for five more novellas, and I suspect that it’s time to switch gears.  …

  • Breaks

    Breaks are a necessary part of life, something you can’t get around needing at least on occasion. But breaks when it comes to writing are hard, at least for me. When I’m at the height of my writing I can easily do more than 5000 words a day (though the usual number is between 2000-3000.)…

  • Life Updates

    Everything has been pulled from Royal Road. Thank you to those that read my work on there, but it wasn’t panning out the way I had hoped, and I’d like to get paid for my efforts. Other Worlds wasn’t finished, so I’m working on finishing up the rest of the stories before posting them to…