Tag: mental health

  • Burnout

    After pushing through multiple stories, I’ve finally burned out. But what is burnout, and how do you deal with it? Burnout is a type of exhaustion. It’s accompanied by things such as feeling underwhelmed or underproductive. You might sit at the computer, unable to write. Or maybe the words you’re putting down hurt to type.…

  • Learning to Outline

    The bulk of “The Guardians of Gaia” (the series that “Savior of the Damned” kicks off) has been written or outlined, and so I’m taking a break. It still has a ton of work that needs doing, but mostly it’s all there and I’m happy with the results. It’s been making me think of outlines, however,…

  • Suffering and Art

    No, you don’t need to suffer to produce art. That’s a misconception plenty of people have, and it’s a dangerous one. It prevents people from getting help, for one thing. But is it even true to begin with?  I’m mentally ill. I’m mentally ill because I had a traumatic childhood, and as both a teenager…

  • Resting

    Part of the creative process is knowing both when to rest and how. Resting recharges our batteries, and much like sleep helps refresh us so we can continue to do the creative things we do. The problem is, how do you do that?  When I was growing up resting was when you just did nothing.…

  • Rough Drafts

    I’m on the last leg of the drafting process that will take me from a rough draft to a first draft. I’ve seen arguments against using the term “rough draft” as it’s still a first, but the reality is that, at least for me, the rough draft is in fact a rough draft.   To…

  • Restless Thinking

    I haven’t beaten Tales of Vesperia yet. I have about fifteen or so hours left (depending on grinding should I get stuck and need more levels) but it’s not holding my attention anymore. It’s not that I don’t like it; it’s actually one of my favorite games I’ve ever played at this point in the…

  • Breaks

    Breaks are a necessary part of life, something you can’t get around needing at least on occasion. But breaks when it comes to writing are hard, at least for me. When I’m at the height of my writing I can easily do more than 5000 words a day (though the usual number is between 2000-3000.)…