
I think it’s a given that I’m a reader. A lifetime ago I’d do a book every day or two but nowadays my reading is often interrupted by day-to-day life. But it doesn’t answer what I like to read.  

Well, the short answer is I’ll read almost anything I can get my hands on that I find interesting. Be it autobiographies, historical fiction, urban fantasy, even thrillers and mysteries are things that have piqued my interest. Fantasy and science fiction are by far my favorites, but anything with a solid premise and interesting characters, and engaging story is fair game to me.  

I’ve found too that audiobooks help fill the time when I can’t sit down to read. It’s easy to listen to a book while doing something else; after all, it’s no different than listening to music while doing household chores or driving or playing certain games.  

Another way I get reading in is screening books for my own kid. My parents never did that, and it had a disastrous effect in that I wound up reading books that were graphic even by adult standards starting in fourth grade. And that’s not a trauma I want to pass along. So, unless I’m certain a book is indeed a suitable book for her, I read it first. I’ve gone and started checking out kids’ books I liked when I was about my kid’s age, and so it’s been a nice trip down memory lane.  

I also read stories online. Self-publishing has gained a lot of traction, and there are different formats and platforms you can find self-published works on now. Web novels on royal road ( for those looking to see what I’m talking about) have filled many hours and brought me much joy.  

Still, though, there isn’t anything in the world that beats the feel of a physical book in my hands. Space concerns have driven me to buying physical books (and media in general) in limited quantities. Maybe if reading was my only hobby, I’d be able to buy more, but my life as a creative has led me down many rabbit holes. As a result, between that and limited space, I have to be careful what I bring into the house. I might not have the book collection I used to, and it’s certainly not the one I dream of, but thanks to modern technology my tablet can hold many books, ready to read at the touch of a fingertip. I also like the ability to highlight passages without marking up a physical book, and the bookmarks I add are easier to manage.  

That still doesn’t really answer the question though, does it? Well, right now I’m listening to the Dresden Files books. I’m on Summer Knight right now. As far as physical books go, I’m reading Consider This by Chuck Palahniuk. I’m not usually into his work but I’m finding his writing advice poignant, nonetheless.  

What’s next? I’m not sure. When it comes to reading having a list of what to read after I’m done with something doesn’t help a whole lot. I tend to pick up books on a whim. I’d like to read some classics after I’m done with either book, but time will tell if that’s what I wind up doing. I’m also bad about switching between reads as well, though I’m trying to limit active books as all that does is slow down how often I complete them. I’ll hold off on deciding until it’s time to pick the next read. It’s worked for me so far.  

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