Life Updates

Everything has been pulled from Royal Road. Thank you to those that read my work on there, but it wasn’t panning out the way I had hoped, and I’d like to get paid for my efforts. Other Worlds wasn’t finished, so I’m working on finishing up the rest of the stories before posting them to Amazon.  

I do like Royal Road, but it’s not the platform for me. For others, it works well and I’m thrilled about that. Right now I’m trying out Kindle Unlimited, but in order to host books on there you have to keep it exclusive to Amazon so I’m not entirely sure if I want to stick with it. There are so many other services, especially in other countries, that I might not want to keep it exclusive. But it also doesn’t hurt to try either.  

Wordcount-wise, it’s still slow going. I just had a couple bursts of hypomania (thank goodness my medication helps minimize the damage) and so while nothing bad happened, I need time to recover. Even mild bursts of mania come with a cost, and that’s delayed finishing this round of edits. But it’s also why I gave myself a fairly long timeframe to finish this step by because you never quite know what the future will hold. And being mentally ill, I try to accommodate as much as I reasonably can in that regard. Medication, therapy, and coping skills are all necessary parts of mental illness, but so is acknowledging what your limitations are and working with them rather than against them.  

I do plan to release the first couple of chapters of Savior of the Damned. They’ll go up on Patreon first, but I’m also sorting out a mailing list. Once they’ve been on there a bit first I’ll repackage them and offer them as a free download for you to check out. This story has been brewing for a long time now, about fifteen or so years, and I’m excited to finally get it out of my head and into people’s hands. There was a lot that stood in my way all those years ago, and most of it was myself. I needed to do a lot of growing, for one, and I had to figure out if this was really something I wanted to do. Life being what it is, it took a long time to sort all those things out, because, in the end, I needed to want this dream to come true badly enough to put the work in.

Sorting out my physical health has also been a trial that has gotten in the way lately though. As a disabled person living in the US, our healthcare system is not set up for people like me. And this is one of those things that I absolutely have to prioritize. Between chronic pain from multiple sources and a horrifically messed up immune system, my body is good at telling me to take it easy. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what it’s doing right now, and if I push through I run the risk of an even harder crash later. The last time I tried to ignore what my body was telling me I wound up bedridden for about a month, which I don’t want to repeat.  

Not much else to say really. The first chapter will post to Patreon on the 15th of July, and it’s exclusive to the higher tier. The second will be the month after. Once the mailing list is sorted I’ll let you all know as well. I’ll be moving the book updates there, and the $1 tier will be more for other things of interest that people might like (like the art I commission for each project.)