I’m done. Now what?

I finished my first draft. It still needs work, so what comes next? Novel writing is a lot of work, and by the end for me it becomes all-consuming; pushing everything else out of the picture because I can’t focus on anything else. Now that I’m done with this draft, I feel spent, as well as directionless. However, to regain my footing I have to recharge my author batteries.

To recharge, I’m finishing a game I first started years ago, and restarted sometime last year (Tales of Vesperia for those wondering.) I’m also back to watching streaming shows. Right now my partner and I are going through Star Trek: Deep Space 9, and we just started Foundation as well. With my own projects there comes a point where I lose the ability to focus on anything story related outside of my work. As a result, the downtime between enormous projects like novels often includes binging media I had pushed to the side to focus on my own creative endeavors. No man is an island, and that applies to anything creative too. We all have our influences. The things that tickle our brains in the ways we desire them to be tickled are influential in our own works.  

Once I finish Tales of Vesperia, I don’t know what I’ll do next. There are books to read, and research needed to smooth rough edges. One novel needing more revisions, and another that needs a complete rewrite too. I also have other ideas for other books as well. Projects that got sidined to finish this can get my attention now. That comes later, however. I can’t pour from an empty vessel, so I need downtime.   

I can’t pour from an empty vessel, and I know from experience that if I don’t take time for myself and my hobbies, I’m going to crash and burn. So right now, I’ve made no decisions on what my next step is. While the latest manuscript has been printed and waiting for my trusty red pen to make changes, as well as other potential projects, it’s sitting to be tackled later. Right now, though, I’m taking my time. In order to function I need to make time for myself. It might appear selfish, but I’m useless if I drive myself to my breaking point. So take this as your reminder to drink some water, eat some food, and put yourself first for once. You deserve it too.  

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