Category: writing

  • Book Announcement: An Ode to Seroquel

    Decided to celebrate my 40th birthday by releasing my newest poetry collection, An Ode to Seroquel! Covering trauma, medication, and eventual freedom, this collection starts from the beginning of the perilous journey to get to where I am now. If you’re interested in snippets from my own healing journey. An Ode to Seroquel will be…

  • Author Takeover on BTC Bookclub!

    February 11th, 2024, from 1-5 PM I’ll be doing an author takeover on BTC Book Club | Facebook where I will be talking about my books and answering Q&As about my own writing process, what inspired me, and whatever else you can think of to ask! During the takeover, I will be giving away digital…

  • Happy New Year! 2024 Edition

     Happy 2024 everyone! So much has happened in the last year that it’s hard to quantify everything I’ve done as well as everything I survived. But survive I did. It certainly wasn’t easy, mind you, but while things are still difficult, I started this year off on a better trajectory. For a lot of reasons.…

  • Anthology Announcement: The Beautician’s Guide to the Resistance

    I am pleased to announce that I am helping 2 Rules of Writing organize an anthology, The Beauticians Guide to the Resistance! I am so excited to be able to present this finally to you fine folks. What if the male gaze weaponized implants and other body mods for women and AFAB people? How would…

  • End of Year Sale!

    Hey folks, Savior of the Damned is on sale on every platform for .99 cents and both Tales From 3 AM and A Field of Beheaded Roses is free on every platform except Amazon until January 7th! It’s been an amazing year, even filled with ups and downs like it has been, but I am…

  • The Paths We Take

    It’s the uncertainty that gets to me. I’m the kind of person who likes to have a backup plan for a backup plan because nothing ever seems to go right. Backup plans fail often too but they bring a sense of security, of having a way out that might save me this time.   But plans…

  • Opinions

    Your opinion comes first. There are all sorts of people with all sorts of opinions, especially when it comes to your work, but the reality is your opinion is ultimately the only one that matters. As long as you’re not writing instruction manuals on how to get away with murder or something similar, or glorifying…

  • Book Writing Hangovers

    Apparently book writing hangovers are a real thing. And apparently that’s what I’ve been experiencing since putting Savior of the Damned up for pre-order.  It was no small feat to get here. I have devoted so much of the last two years to this it’s still a bit unreal I got here at all. I…

  • Discarding Work

    I made the executive decision to throw out fifty thousand words (not in Savior of the Damned, in case you’re worried). It was not made lightly, especially not after throwing out around fifty thousand words just a few months ago. For the record, none of it was bad. Most of it is also salvageable, at…

  • Savior of the Damned is Available for Preorder!

    It’s been a trial to get here, but I’m over the moon I finally made it. Two years of writing, revisions, editing, and beta reading have all paid off. It was not my first book ever written, but it was the first one I managed to get into publishing shape. I learned so much along…