Category: stories

  • Audiobooks Count as Reading (and Saying Otherwise is Ableist)

    I see this all the time on social media, that audiobooks don’t count as reading. It’s listening. Aside from how heavily pedantic that argument is (seriously, does it really matter that much?) it’s ableist. Let’s unpack this, shall we?  First of all, how do you think blind people read? Not all blind people read braille,…

  • Announcement

    I am excited. Why, you ask? Because I’m about to show you something incredibly cool. The idea for the book I’ve been working on is about fifteen years old. Last year I finished the rough draft of the first Guardians of Gaia book, this year I polished it up, and I’m here to show you why you should…

  • Breaks

    Breaks are a necessary part of life, something you can’t get around needing at least on occasion. But breaks when it comes to writing are hard, at least for me. When I’m at the height of my writing I can easily do more than 5000 words a day (though the usual number is between 2000-3000.)…

  • Life Updates

    Everything has been pulled from Royal Road. Thank you to those that read my work on there, but it wasn’t panning out the way I had hoped, and I’d like to get paid for my efforts. Other Worlds wasn’t finished, so I’m working on finishing up the rest of the stories before posting them to…

  • Correcting Grammar is Rude (and I’m Here to Tell You Why)

    There is an interesting divide between the folks who correct spelling and grammar online and those that don’t, and those that correct grammar online are almost always those who don’t get paid to do it. You’d think it would be the other way around until you consider that’s a paid service. People don’t tend to…

  • Stress

    It’s funny how brains work. You can want to do something so bad but sometimes the motivation just isn’t there. Sometimes it’s something we might not want to do but should, like exercise. Sometimes it’s something we need to do but keep putting off, like the dishes. Sometimes it’s avoiding that book you just purchased…

  • Is realism necessary?

    I’ve been seeing some complaints that realism is necessary for storytelling. But is it? Well, that all depends. If you’re writing something where realism is integral to the plot or setting, like urban fantasy or any sort of police procedural, then it’s definitely needed. But in at least some cases, not only do you not need…

  • Another book release

    Other Worlds, a short story collection involving demons and death, is live on Royal Road! I’m updating it every few days with a new story that spans genres. From horror to science fiction and even some lighthearted stories, I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed writing them. You can find the collection…

  • LGBTQIA+ characters and me

    As someone both bisexual and nonbinary there is a decided lack of representation for people like me. Obviously, things are shifting away from that, and it’s a good thing. But within fantasy and science fiction itself there is still a lack of representation. That is changing, especially with things like self-publishing becoming increasingly popular. I…

  • Reading

    I think it’s a given that I’m a reader. A lifetime ago I’d do a book every day or two but nowadays my reading is often interrupted by day-to-day life. But it doesn’t answer what I like to read.   Well, the short answer is I’ll read almost anything I can get my hands on that I find interesting. Be it autobiographies, historical fiction, urban fantasy, even thrillers and…