I Can’t Wait Anymore: New Book Announcement and Cover Reveal!
Want more of Savior of the Damned, but can’t wait until Champion of the Dead is out? Fret not! Coming soon is Asides. It’s a collection of short stories, some prequel shorts and some are AU adventures I created just for fun. Equal parts harrowing and delightful, they were originally written just for me. Some…
Champion of the Dead is Off to Beta Readers and More
Champion of the Dead is off to beta readers! Huzzah! This is my third round trying to come up with a satisfying sequel. It wasn’t that it was harder than the first, or that the other attempts weren’t good, it was that, well, there was a lot to sort out after the end of Savior…
Come Meet Me!
Sorry for the late notice, but I just got an invite to hang out, meet people, and sell books at The Alameda Filipino Fest! If you’re in the San Francisco East Bay and want a signed copy of my book, or to just come around and say hi, stop on by Roberto Bulatao’s booth where…
Happy Pride!
It’s that time of year again where queer people the world over celebrate their right to exist. We’ve come a long way since Stonewall in the 60s, but the fight isn’t over. Current events aren’t going to push me back into a closet I’ve been fighting to stay out of most of my life, though,…
End of Year Sale!
Hey folks, Savior of the Damned is on sale on every platform for .99 cents and both Tales From 3 AM and A Field of Beheaded Roses is free on every platform except Amazon until January 7th! It’s been an amazing year, even filled with ups and downs like it has been, but I am…
Savior of the Damned is Available for Preorder!
It’s been a trial to get here, but I’m over the moon I finally made it. Two years of writing, revisions, editing, and beta reading have all paid off. It was not my first book ever written, but it was the first one I managed to get into publishing shape. I learned so much along…
Happy Bi Visibility Day!
Happy bisexual visibility day! Part of my journey as a writer has been figuring out where my sexuality fits into the grand scheme of things. I don’t mean who I date or anything like that, but how honest did I want to be? Did I want to sit on it, considering the current climate of…
Savior of the Damned ARC announcement
Savior of the Damned is done. The ARC is mostly ready now too, I’m just waiting on the cover. And let me tell you folks it has been an absolute rush of feelings. It’s not quite done yet, of course. I still have to format the actual book, and I have to send out the…
I Have Mastered Outlines
Guys, gals, and nonbinary pals, I have learned how to make outlines work. I sort of saw how other people used them but it took a long time to figure out how to make them work. Maybe it’s because I’m neurodiverse. Maybe I just missed it by a mile. For whatever reason, it took a…
Diverse Narratives
I am Filipino. I am a part of the Filipino-American diaspora, and more importantly, I’m proud to be a part of it. Biologically I’m mixed race (Filipino/white) but I identify as Filipino because blood quantum is a tool of colonialism. Blood quantum says nothing about the people I was raised around, the culture I am…