Category: mental illness

  • Word Counts

    My daily goal is 2000 words. A lot of the time I can make it, or even surpass it, but sometimes I fall short. Maybe my mental health isn’t the greatest that day. Maybe one of my chronic illnesses is acting up. Maybe my focus isn’t what it could be (and caffeine can only help…

  • Writing Process

    The only way I can get anything done is to break it into as small pieces as I possibly can. Thinking about all that goes into novel writing is overwhelming, even as I round up on finishing the first draft of my current novel. It’s so easy to get paralyzed when I consider everything, I…

  • Resting

    Part of the creative process is knowing both when to rest and how. Resting recharges our batteries, and much like sleep helps refresh us so we can continue to do the creative things we do. The problem is, how do you do that?  When I was growing up resting was when you just did nothing.…

  • Rough Drafts

    I’m on the last leg of the drafting process that will take me from a rough draft to a first draft. I’ve seen arguments against using the term “rough draft” as it’s still a first, but the reality is that, at least for me, the rough draft is in fact a rough draft.   To…

  • Restless Thinking

    I haven’t beaten Tales of Vesperia yet. I have about fifteen or so hours left (depending on grinding should I get stuck and need more levels) but it’s not holding my attention anymore. It’s not that I don’t like it; it’s actually one of my favorite games I’ve ever played at this point in the…

  • Breaks

    Breaks are a necessary part of life, something you can’t get around needing at least on occasion. But breaks when it comes to writing are hard, at least for me. When I’m at the height of my writing I can easily do more than 5000 words a day (though the usual number is between 2000-3000.)…

  • Life Updates

    Everything has been pulled from Royal Road. Thank you to those that read my work on there, but it wasn’t panning out the way I had hoped, and I’d like to get paid for my efforts. Other Worlds wasn’t finished, so I’m working on finishing up the rest of the stories before posting them to…

  • Another book release

    Other Worlds, a short story collection involving demons and death, is live on Royal Road! I’m updating it every few days with a new story that spans genres. From horror to science fiction and even some lighthearted stories, I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed writing them. You can find the collection…

  • Imposter Syndrome

    In the beginning, it’s hard to get started. There are always last-minute ideas to hammer out and things left to consider before a proper start gets underway. And once underway, it can take a while to get into a comfortable groove. After a few thousand words though, I’ll settle into a rhythm and make substantial progress. Towards the middle, which…

  • Writing every day isn’t always possible

    Why do I write every day? Well, it’s complicated. I personally prefer to, but lately life has been stressful, so I’ve been taking more mental health days than I usually do. Today all I managed was a couple lines in one document and two paragraphs apiece in two others. I got a few ideas started…