Category: gaming

  • Switching Gears

    Sometimes it’s not that you burned out on writing. Sometimes it’s that you burned out on writing a specific project. I know I’ve been there before, and I’m there right now. I powered through most of three novels, a novella, and outlines for five more novellas, and I suspect that it’s time to switch gears.  …

  • Restless Thinking

    I haven’t beaten Tales of Vesperia yet. I have about fifteen or so hours left (depending on grinding should I get stuck and need more levels) but it’s not holding my attention anymore. It’s not that I don’t like it; it’s actually one of my favorite games I’ve ever played at this point in the…

  • Influences

    Every creative person that has ever existed has their influences. Many of them are in our own fields. But plenty of them are outside of our fields as well. I can list a dozen authors that have played an integral part in driving me, but it’s not just authors I draw inspiration and motivation from.   For one…

  • I’m done. Now what?

    I finished my first draft. It still needs work, so what comes next? Novel writing is a lot of work, and by the end for me it becomes all-consuming; pushing everything else out of the picture because I can’t focus on anything else. Now that I’m done with this draft, I feel spent, as well…

  • Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder

    I suppose it’s natural for a fantasy author to be into table top role playing games. I mean, it’s an interactive story. The Game Master is sort of the narrator, and the players the characters, right? And I’ve been playing a not insignificant amount of time. I started playing Dungeons and Dragons when Second Edition…

  • Inspiration

    As an author who writes primarily genre works, it’s probably no surprise that I’m a huge nerd. I grew up watching Star Trek: TOS, Dr. Who (Tom Baker was my favorite Doctor in childhood), playing video games, and watching anime. My dad started me out by introducing me, but I quickly developed other tastes. Where…