Category: fantasy

  • LGBTQIA+ characters and me

    As someone both bisexual and nonbinary there is a decided lack of representation for people like me. Obviously, things are shifting away from that, and it’s a good thing. But within fantasy and science fiction itself there is still a lack of representation. That is changing, especially with things like self-publishing becoming increasingly popular. I…

  • Reading

    I think it’s a given that I’m a reader. A lifetime ago I’d do a book every day or two but nowadays my reading is often interrupted by day-to-day life. But it doesn’t answer what I like to read.   Well, the short answer is I’ll read almost anything I can get my hands on that I find interesting. Be it autobiographies, historical fiction, urban fantasy, even thrillers and…

  • Book Announcement

    I am excited to announce I released a collection of short stories on the web novel site royal road! They’re a bunch of the stories I’ve posted to Patreon, cleaned up and ready to read for free. It’s been out for a little bit because I wasn’t expecting to be quite as ready as I was.…

  • Influences

    Every creative person that has ever existed has their influences. Many of them are in our own fields. But plenty of them are outside of our fields as well. I can list a dozen authors that have played an integral part in driving me, but it’s not just authors I draw inspiration and motivation from.   For one…

  • Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder

    I suppose it’s natural for a fantasy author to be into table top role playing games. I mean, it’s an interactive story. The Game Master is sort of the narrator, and the players the characters, right? And I’ve been playing a not insignificant amount of time. I started playing Dungeons and Dragons when Second Edition…

  • Inspiration

    As an author who writes primarily genre works, it’s probably no surprise that I’m a huge nerd. I grew up watching Star Trek: TOS, Dr. Who (Tom Baker was my favorite Doctor in childhood), playing video games, and watching anime. My dad started me out by introducing me, but I quickly developed other tastes. Where…