NaNoWriMo 2021
As November approaches more and more people are gearing up to participate in NaNoWriMo. But what is it? Well, the name is short for “Nation Novel Writing Month,” and as the name implies it’s for writing an entire novel, beginning to end, in November. Last year I participated, but this year I’m sitting out. In two years, I’ve turned…
Writer’s block
When I have writer’s block, it’s procrastination in disguise. It’s not that I can’t write, it’s that my brain is trying to come up with last-minute distractions. My go to method for dealing with this is a cup of coffee (iced when it’s warm, hot when it’s cold) and some journaling. Occasionally it’s not procrastination.…
But why fantasy?
Why fantasy? Well, it’s comforting. I grew up with nerdy parents, who passed their love onto me. I also have always enjoyed stories about fantastical things that would never happen. My dad is the biggest reason I’m so big into fantasy. To this day he is still one of the few people in my life that, if I like something,…
I’m sure people have noticed by now that my pronouns are they/them. That’s because I’m nonbinary. Nonbinary falls under the trans umbrella, though you don’t have to identify as trans to be nonbinary. I myself do identify as trans, though I have no desire to medically transition. You don’t have to transition to be valid. After…