Chronic Pain part 1
I have psoriatic arthritis, and it’s currently untreated. It means that I’m in constant pain. I medicate my pain with cannabis, and for the most part it helps, but what I need (and what I don’t have access to) is an immunosuppressant. The inflammation that causes my skin to heal so fast it flakes off…
Mental Illness and Me, part 1
I’m bipolar. With that comes both therapy and medication. Therapy helps sort out my headspace and keeps tabs on where I am at any given moment, but medication is what really helps. Therapy is good for coping skills, for sounding off when frustrated, for validation and a kick in the pants when I’m being my…
Welcome to my Headspace
I’m J. Pagaduan, and this is my blog! I’m an author, and I’ve been writing in some capacity my whole life. It wasn’t until high school that I really got serious about it. Life being what it is I’m only now getting my life sorted enough to get things published, but that’s part of life.…