New Essay Published!

September was Suicide Prevention Month, and this piece is important enough to warrant being late. The one on suicide prevention is the story of my two attempts in a nutshell. I shared this story because it’s integral to who I am and because I know there are people out there struggling like I was. Maybe you’re afraid to tell someone how you’re feeling. Maybe life hasn’t been so kind and you’re struggling to find your place in it. Whatever the reason, it’s a heavy burden to bear, one that you don’t have to bear alone. I hope that sharing my story will help someone else who is where I used to be figure out how to make their own way back. 

You don’t need to suffer in silence. If you’re in the US 988 is the national suicide prevention hotline, and you can text someone at 741741 for the same services. For queer LGBTQIA+ youth there is the Trevor Hotline, and for trans folks there is the Trans Lifeline, both of which I’ll link below under the essays. 

Suicide Awareness: The Temptation to Ragequit

The Trevor Project

Trans Lifeline

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