Mental Health and Me: An Update

My spoons are chronically low these days, and it’s making it hard to move forward, but I’m still here. I got quite a few readers on Royal Road but none of them turned into patrons, so Tales From 3 AM is now up on Amazon, and you can pick up a copy on Kindle Unlimited.

I’m making slow but steady progress on the current novel, however, as well as another short story collection. You read some of it on Royal Road, but I pulled it and will release the finished version on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited when it’s ready.

Soon I’ll be back at this full time. I’ve got a number of chronic issues and my mental health ties into all of it, so sometimes I need to step away to keep from breaking down completely. There is a delicate balance between pushing enough to get things done, and not pushing so hard I fall apart, and it’s one of those skills you develop over time. Because I caught my decline early enough I was able to take a shorter break, I’m hoping that skill keeps leveling up. I’ve been forced to take months off before because I ignored all those subtle early signs of a crash, and heading it off early is definitely helping keep the breaks short.

Take your meds, drink some water, and take care of yourselves. You’re a houseplant with complicated emotions, after all, and you matter too.